Partner school talk

The talk was organised by NIS AKTAU in partnership with Colaiste Feirste School, Northern Ireland, UK for year 12 students of both schools.

The talk title was “How to write laboratory report” and was delivered by Dr Mohamed Elshikh, one of our Chemistry teachers at NIS-Aktau.

The seminar aimed to teach the student how to write a scientific/Lab report where students were taught the main parts of the scientific report and what shall be included in each section (Introduction – Material and Method- Results- Discussion).

The instructor shares two real reports with the attendees where they were able to check the quality of writing and figure out what is good and what requires improvement in these lab reports of former students.

The interaction from participating student was excellent and the teacher in Colaiste Feirste (Mrs Cailin, A-level biology teacher) was grateful for the organisation of this talk where it is anticipated to benefit all attended students.