The work of library at the Aktau Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology based on the principles according to the value of the school.
The main areas of the school library work are following:
creating conditions for education of diverse intellectual and moral person
implementation of informative support for the educational process at the school;
further the continuios education of students and teachers;
promote the development of students’ creative abilities;
the formation of the morally sound individual;
organization of library services for all school staff;
collaboration with parents and the community.
The library is a part of the information-educational environment, which is rapidly developing in the modern world, and is a cultural and educational, scientific and auxiliary social institution, that provides accumulation and accessibility of documentary information resources. It is supposed to acquire skills of independent research in the library, critical evaluation of the received information, the comparison of information received from different sources in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
The strategic goal of the school library is to organize the work of the library as an educational, informational and cultural center of the school, develop the library to achieve the international level, support the implementation of the school’s mission.
The main task of the library:
• Complete and efficient library and informative-bibliographic service of students, teachers, school staff, stated in the school library rules in accordance with the information needs of readers.
• To provide library users with an open and free access to information, to assist in the work of teachers and students in educational projects, research and development activities;
• To form the library and information culture, teaching readers modern methods of information retrieval, transfer of skills to use the book, teach the use of books and other media, search, selection and critical evaluation of information; form skills of independent library and information user in students;
• To create conditions for the realization of personal creative abilities of each student in the process of research and design activity.
Our library is equipped with a new, modern and comfortably furnished and consists of several areas:
Reading zone
There are kinds of literature in Kazakh, Russian and English languages, including classic and modern literature.
Research zone
There are kinds of research literature, encyclopedias, Kazakh, Russian and English dictionaries
Interactive/study zone and learning zone
Events and classes, using interactive teaching methods and applying mobile interactive board, are held there. Each reader has free access to laptops.
Various events such as 100 books, Book crossing, 1,2,3 are held in the library together with curators and teachers, to attract children to the books, raising interest in reading. Here most attention is paid to individual work with readers, advising students in selecting books, realizing literature selection, assisting in the design and research activities. The focus is on the interests of library users.
Due to access to Internet resources, the range of library and information services is significantly expanded. In addition, consultations, trainings, webinars on the use of electronic databases such as EBSCO, Twig Bilim, Bilimland, iMektep are regularly held.
The total stock of the library is more than 14 000 books.
The library is equipped with non-fiction, reference, fiction for children. The library stock is in the free access. The stock order is made in sections and in alphabetical order.
Educational facility is located in a separate room, the order is performed by classes and language learning. At the end of the school year all books will be returned to the library.
In order to ensure the safety of the library collection, inventory of the library stock is annually held.
An automated library KABIS system was established to ensure library stock accounting, it includes such modules as:
– Cataloging;
– The reader;
– Delivery of books;
– Reports for fund accounting.
Library Regulations:
Monday -Friday
08.00 . – 20.00
08.00 . – 15.00
Sunday-rest day